I spoke too soon…Zenis Ransomware Strikes

Yesterday I posted about ransomware cutting a rather low key figure so far in 2018, and then today Zenis strikes! Perfect timing as always! The attack surface is not known yet, researchers came across this and its not clear how it is being distributed to targets. This is a new strain of ransomware discovered thisContinue reading “I spoke too soon…Zenis Ransomware Strikes”

Ransomware is Dead……..

It seems we have beaten ransomware and it will never surface again! Okay maybe not but lets be honest it has been fairly quiet in the news about ransomware especially after last years huge news around #wannacry #nonpetya etc. But does this mean that ransomware has had its time and is no longer around? WellContinue reading “Ransomware is Dead……..”