“I’ve bounced back!”

If ransomware were a person, then it must be Alan Partridge, it just keeps bouncing back! I have been speaking about this very annoying yet simple problem to fix since 2015, just a reminder its 2019 and still Ransomware dominates news headlines and talk tracks from vendors. Forewarning this article is loaded with Partridge quotes,Continue reading ““I’ve bounced back!””

The worlds dumbest ransomware!

A new ransomware called CommonRansom was discovered that has a very bizarre request. In order to decrypt a computer after a payment is made, they require the victim to open up Remote Desktop Services on the affected computer and send them admin credentials in order to decrypt the victim’s files. Yup you read that right,Continue reading “The worlds dumbest ransomware!”

Install a wireless adapter on Kali Linux

I have been doing a course recently which requires both Kali Linux and a wireless adapter which supports both “monitor” mode and “packet” mode….no prizes for guessing what kind of course this is. Anyway I thought I would post this short write up on how to do this as installing a USB wireless adapter inContinue reading “Install a wireless adapter on Kali Linux”

What have I learnt? A letter to a young pre-sales engineer…

This blog stemmed from me being asked by a recent graduate what he should take in to pre-sales.  I thought about it and wondered what would I tell a 22-year-old (ten years ago) me turning up for his first job as a pre-sales engineer? Below are my rules to survive pre-sales (Zombie land Style): “Yes,Continue reading “What have I learnt? A letter to a young pre-sales engineer…”

One of the Secrets Guarding the Secure Internet Is a Wall of Lava Lamps

A company in San Francisco providing security and domain services for millions of the most prominent sites on the internet reveals its security secret, the secure encryption is generated by a wall of 100 lava lamps! Finally a use for lava lamps? Cloudflare protects around 10% of http & https requests on the net today,Continue reading “One of the Secrets Guarding the Secure Internet Is a Wall of Lava Lamps”

Web Scale Data Integrity with Rubrik

Rubrik web scale distributed file system integrity – Under the hood view


Only a quick post today…. When people think about computer science, they imagine people with pocket protectors and thick glasses who code all night. The truth is coding is now in every day life, with the explosion of mobile devices and development of applications it is hard not to have an understanding of coding andContinue reading “Codeacademy”